how to better address housing needs.
The world witnessed
an exponential growth in demand for housing in the post-World War II era. This
resulted from rapid population growth and urbanization, and the need to rebuild
a large portion of the housing stock affected by the war in many countries. To
achieve scale and speed, mass housing was the preferred option in the decades
of the 1950 to the 1970s. Mass public or social housing is a housing
development that is publicly funded and administered usually for low-income
families. Over time, in some countries, the ownership of this housing stock has
been given to residents. Mass housing has been produced in many configurations
including low rise, single dwelling units but more often multi story walk-ups
or high rise apartment blocks. Housing units are laid out in clusters around
open spaces or in parallel rows as well as other configuration. In rare cases
globally, public housing is integrated within the city urban texture.
While mass housing
is still policy in some countries today, the majority built earlier are at a
historic milestone. The buildings are aging, in many cases in need of repair
that is not being addressed due to limited resources. Frequently, this housing
stock is now occupied by lo

lower income groups who are unable mobilize the
resources or organize themselves to address the governance, management and
maintenance needs. Furthermore, in the quest to build large numbers of housing,
the focus was on producing monolithic housing estates. These were usually based
on the dictates of modern planning’s strict zoning laws which segregated urban
uses from each other resulting in large housing estates that necessitated a
dependence on commuting to and from various urban uses. More and more, in
recent times, with the rapid expansion of cities, such newly developed housing
estates are being located farther and farther away from the urban centers. The
rationale being that land is ‘cheap’ or publically owned. However, this has
resulted in increasing the time needed to commute from residential zones to
business and production zones. In some cases, 2-3 hours are spent by commuters
tied up in traffic jams. Needless to say the environmental impact of such a
city is reaching unsustainable levels.
In summary, mass,
public or social housing estates today face some or all of the following
• Location is
usually in isolated zones of housing in the periphery or away from city
centers. In some cases, older housing is now located centrally and the land
value is underutilized;
• Monolithic housing
use following master plan zoning or planned in isolation as standalone estates;
• Residents commute
to access daily needs; workplace, services, shopping, recreation, etc…;
• Urban sprawl,
large environmental footprints, high carbon emissions, etc…;
• Inflexible
prefabricated housing results do not respond to the changing needs of families
• Mass housing open
spaces mostly neglected, underutilized and unsafe in some cases;
• Ownership when
awarded to resident occupants results in poor management and maintenance;
• Aging housing
stock dilapidation due to lack of maintenance and repair (aging water pipes,
• Aging inhabitants
need more accessibility, have low incomes to address maintenance;
• Sometimes, mass
housing attracts immigrants resulting in social segregation (ghettoization);
• Social ills such
as drug trafficking, gangs, etc… tend to move into mass housing complexes;
• Environmentally,
low-cost construction usually entails high heating/cooling energy consumption;
• Lack of tenure of
occupants contributes to insecurity and a poor sense of
• Lack of financial
resources and poor maintenance have led to deteriorated living conditions;
Overall, the
majority of mass housing in today's world does not conform to the norms of
sustainable urban ism. Given the magnitude of the existing characteristics above
and the continuation of mass housing trends in some places today, there is an
urgent need to address these challenges. Lessons learn will also guide policy
makers and decision makers on how to better address housing needs.